Puffy is the black Liberace
I'm in a pretty smug mood today. I got into an intellectual tussle with Jonathan Frazen last night. I don't mean to brag- okay I do mean to brag. But I pretty much had him against the ropes on his critics, his condescending attitude and his lack of creativity when signing books. I'm sure he hates me now (along with everyone in the audience) but just one more person to add to my sworn enemies list.
Plus he just may be the most gifted and brilliant writer of his generation.
The man himself.
Puffy had a very expensive party for his trash of an album. But gotta love him for bringing the Liberace back to music.
Oh man I wish he would of had a Michael Jackson "Pepsi" moment. Is that just wrong?
So this is the new look for models? No wonder Nicole Richie has an eating disorder
Note to fashion designers: women are not meant to look like starving 12 year old boys.
And Jay-Z was in London finishing up his European tour this week. And the unbelievable part is that "fishsticks" Gwyneth Paltrow sang the hook for “Song Cry”. Okay I really need to hear this.
UPDATE Seek and you shall find. Here is the audio of Gwyenth singing. I hate to use the word singing.
After the show...wait a second isn't Jay still CEO of Def Jam? Why can't I get months off my job to pursue other interest?
Something seems weird about this picture. Maybe because Jay is surrounded by two annoying chicas.
I love Thandie Newton but hate this outfit! I may have to send this one to the girls at gofugyourself