Just in time for Oscar.....
Well, after a nice extended vacation I'm back on the job. And my vacation was great except that I could not stop watching the Anna Nicole Smith hearing. It was like crack, I knew it was trash but I could not stop watching.
Last night was the Oscars and there really weren't too many surprises. This year I only managed to see 'the Queen' and 'the Departed'. But I do have a bootleg copy of 'the Last King of Scotland' and I plan to watch it tonight. Since I can't really comment on the awards.....let's talk fashion.
It seemed that there was a color theme this year. Beyonce came wearing white. I'm not feeling the dress it apperas her mother stole the dress from the Ms. Universe evening gown segment. And Cameron Diaz looks like Dallas debutante in her dress. Not a bad thing just not what I think Ms. Diaz was going for with her selection.

And some wore black. Meryl Streep may just be the best actress of her generation but what god gave her in acting her took away from her fashion sense. Cate Blanchett got blessed in both departments and has my vote for the best dressed woman of the evening. I can't comment on the other woman since I have a new policy that if you are an adult woman you must weigh at least a hundred pounds to receive recongnition on this blog.

And some wore blue. Reese Witherspoon looks good, her blond hair contrast well with the blue dress. Maggie Gyllenhaal not so good. Maggie, when you have a little pouch it's not a good idea to wear a form fitting dress.

Jennifer Lopez looks fantastic! Is it because the corpse is standing more than 2 feet away?

Jennifer Hudson was a winner but not with her dress. It makes me want to fall asleep and what's up with the Captain Kirk silver jacket?
Naomi Watts look gorgeous but can someone tell me what movies she's actually been in?

And some wore pink. Penelope Cruz may be the only person able to pull off wearing a family of pink flamingos. The long blond hair on Reese looks flattering and mature and just the opposite on Gwyneth Paltrow .

Did I miss someone? Who do you think was the best dressed?