NOT JUST WACK...BUT WHAT WACK WANTS TO BE WHEN IT GROWS UP… I stole that line from a reviewer on Amazon. I think it’s hilarious and can be used in almost any situation.
Do you remember when you where in middle school and you would make mix-tapes? Which meant that you would sit by the radio until your favorite song came on and then immediately press the record button.
Well if I was sitting by the radio today, I would be waiting for the following songs to be played hoping that I was fast enough to press record in time. They're all a bit old….
Maps- yeah yeah yeahs
Ms. Hill- Talib Kweli
The Dance- Prince
Cannonball- Damien Rice
Random: Am I the only person enjoying the new season of the Soprano’s?
The NYTimes was on fire this week with great articles! Who needs more news on Bradgelina and TomKat? The Times is providing more than enough opportunity for snark. I think the new online format has inspired some of the NYTimes journalists.
The first article to provide laugher and just all around amusement was in Sunday’s Wedding and Celebration section. The wedding of Laurie Nehmen and Austin Stark was the lucky winner, as it was featured on the front page of the W&C section.
These two lovers (twenty-six years old respectively) had so many challenges before making it down the aisle last week. They fell in love during a magical summer in the Hamptons. Falling in love in the Hamptons? As you know, the Hamptons is THE place were rich, cool, and fun loving kids fall in love. "We were just a couple of kids who had no jobs and spent the day hanging out at the beach." Ms. Neham was quoted as saying. Ahhh the magic! Wait, is this an east coast version of Laguna Beach?
Unfortunately, cupid was not always on point with these two love birds. As they broke up several times over the years. But it was more of a case of break-up to make-up. "When I wanted to get married, he wasn't ready. When he wanted to get married, I wanted to wait.” said Ms. Neham. How many times can you seriously want to get married between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-six? Apparently, too many to count.
But after an ill advised move to LA of all places, Austin proposed and these two love birds were on their way down the Manhattan social wedding scene.
Even Ivana Trump was in attendance. All the other z-list celebrities were busy but luckily Ivana was available and more importantly her attendance got a mention in the article. The wedding planner deserves a bonus for this spark of genius.
There is still one final laugh to be had. The wedding toast by the best man: "I'm so happy she was able to whip Austin into shape," he said with a wink, "to succeed where all the shrinks had failed." Shrinks as in plural?! Good luck girl.
Time until the divorce: Three years
An incredibly funny, witty wedding announcement: priceless
Check out the Times story on MTV’s sweet 16 here
I have not seen the episode with LA Reid’s son, but I heard it was out control.
LA Reid with wife and son. I think someone's next party will be a "coming out" party.
Angelina is the new cover girl for
“Don’t even think of saying anything bad. I’m in a desert in child accessory and I look absolutely beautiful pregnant.”
Jay and Bey are turning into one of my favorite couples. I love her facial expressions. This week they were busy taking in the NBA playoffs.
Giving the ref the evil eye.
Is Jay retired or not? According to the rumor mill, he’s working on a new album. The album will drop sometime next year. He should do a song with Talib on the new album, since lyrically
he says he would be Talib if wasn’t busy selling out making money. And then give Talib all the song royalties for “keeping it real”.
I’m sure everyone has heard that Britney is pregnant again. I guess all hope of a comeback is lost. Let’s just hope that she won’t let the new baby fall out of the high chair.
Unlike Angelina, pregnancy does not agree with Britney.
Tore-up twins
And finally what's a post without Nicole
"I'm trying out for the new movie: Honey I shrunk the kids 3"
Until next week kids!